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CHANDLEE, Judith (Judi) Ann. (Dubuque, IA, Jan. 8, 1947--Dubuque, IA, May 23, 2011) The daughter of Marion and Karl Eisbach, Judi attended Sacred Heart Grade School, WAHLERT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL and LORAS COLLEGE. She married Wayne Chandlee on September 28, 1968, at SACRED HEART CHURCH. Over the next 20 years, many life-long friendships were made while living in Bellevue, Waterloo and Carroll, Iowa, where they spent 12 years before returning to Dubuque in 1986.

At this time, JUDI began her teaching career teaching kindergarten at EISENHOWER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. There was not a better way for a child to start their schooling than to have Mrs. Chandlee as their kindergarten teacher. She retired in 2007 to spend more time with her husband, Wayne, family and many friends. (1)

The Judi Chandlee Tribute to Teachers Endowment was created to provide classroom grants to teachers in the DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. The fund was named in honor of Judi Chandlee, a longtime kindergarten teacher at Eisenhower Elementary School in Dubuque. Friends, family, Dubuque Community School District staff, and the public were invited to give to in support of grants to teachers now, and forever. The fund was endowed, meaning that donations were invested permanently, and the earnings are used to provide classroom grants for current teachers in the Dubuque Community School District. Donations to this fund were eligible for the Endow Iowa 25% State Tax Credit. (2)



1. Obituary, Online: https://www.egelhofsiegertcasper.com/memorials/judith-chandlee/1752023/obituary.php

2. "Judi Chandlee Tribute to Teachers Endowment," Online: https://dbqfoundation.org/giving-center/judi-chandlee-tribute-to-teachers-endowment