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BLANCHARD, Theodore "Ted" M.

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BLANCHARD, Theodore "Ted" M. (Lima, OH, August 14, 1944--Dubuque, IA, Nov. 27, 2019) The son of Theodore and Genevieve (O’Brien) Blanchard, Ted was married on June 14, 1969 to Marilyn Lee (Boblitt) Blanchard.

An alumni of LORAS COLLEGE, Ted earned his B.A. in Political Science. He went on to graduate from Indiana University with a Master of Science degree in School Administration. Early in his career, he taught at Whittier Elementary in Lima, Ohio and HOOVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Dubuque.

He went on to serve as the principal for both Prescott and Audubon schools before taking positions as Executive Director of Human Resources for the DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT and then Vice President of Human Resources at FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE). Through a life-long commitment to the community of Dubuque, Ted volunteered his time and energy to many organizations and causes. He served on the Board of Directors for the DUBUQUE ARTS COUNCIL, Camp Albrecht Acres, and BETHANY HOME and was a member the Nativity Parish Council, the DUBUQUE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Rotary Club International, TRUSS AND BUTTRESS SOCIETY as well as many others.



Obituaries. Dubuque Today, Online: https://dubuquetoday.com/obituaries/