Encyclopedia Dubuque
"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN
Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.
KRAJEWSKI, Casimir Ignatius
KRAJEWSKI, Casimir Ignatius. (Poland, July 13, 1893--Dubuque, IA). Krajewski opened an office in Dubuque in 1925 after working with architectural firms in St. Paul, Minnesota, and St. Louis, Missouri. His firm was primarily involved in designing schools, churches, and institutions. One of the homes in Dubuque for which he was the architect was the Tobias Ben Loetscher home at 160 S. Grandview and the Church of the Nativity. He also designed the Rock Bowl Stadium for LORAS COLLEGE. (1) In Ottumwa, he designed St. Mary's Catholic Church. (2)
Locally he served as a trustee of the DUBUQUE BOYS' CLUB. In 1934 as vice-president and chairman of the club's building committee, he was instrumental in the purchase and renovation of the DUBUQUE BREAD COMPANY as a suitable home for the Boys' Club. At the time of the purchase, he described the present conditions of the organization as nothing "more than a shell, dangerous and entirely unfit for its purpose." He described the renovation of the building at 9th and Iowa as a "decisive step forward, a step that benefits this entire city of Dubuque." (3)
1. "Addition Reflects Home's Eclecticism," Telegraph Herald, March 1, 1997, p. 6
2. Ottumwa's Historic Treasurers," Online: https://www.cityofottumwa.com/files/ottumwas_historic_treasures.pdf
3. "New Home for Dubuque Boys' Club," Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, December 23, 1934, p. 10