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FLYNN READY-MIX CONCRETE COMPANY. In 1947 the company was started by Thomas L. FLYNN. His son Thomas M. Flynn joined the company in 1953 and retired in 1999. In 2011 there were three other brothers--Thomas L FLYNN, president and chairman; David W. Flynn and Paul F. Flynn, both vice-presidents.

In 2011 it was announced that the company would sell all but one of its eight ready-mix concrete branches in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. The purchasers were Bard Materials of Dyersville, Iowa and Manatt's Inc. of Brooklyn, Iowa.

The Dubuque City Directory from 1962 through 1993 located the company at the 12th St. Extension. T. L. Flynn and T. M. Flynn were partners.



Melvold, Shelly, "Flynn to Sell 7 Concrete Plants," Telegraph Herald, November 19, 2011, p 3