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WASHINGTON HOUSE. According to the 1856 through 1861 Dubuque City Directory, this hotel was located at the corner of 5th and Locust. In 1856 Lee and Gray were the proprietors. (1)

The 1873-74 Dubuque City Directory listed a boarding house on 1st between Main and Iowa.

The 1874-1875 Dubuque City Directory stated that this business was located at 196 1st.

The 1878-79 Dubuque City Directory listed 253 First.

The 1886-87 through 1890-91 Dubuque City Directory listed 1805 Washington.

As one of the tallest buildings in the city, the Washington House was the location of a large bell which was rung at the first sign of fire in the area. In February, 1860 the bell ringing brought out "engines, spectators, editors, dogs, loafers, etc." only to find that the smoke came fro the "burning out of Judge Corkery's chimney." (2)



1. "Inns of Yesteryear," Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, April 30, 1933, p. 5

2. "Local News," The Herald, February 10, 1860, p. 3