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Encyclopedia Dubuque


"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN

Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

TURKEY AND DRESSING SANDWICHES. Although they have admitted they did not invent turkey and dressing sandwiches, CREMER'S at 731 Rhomberg Avenue in Dubuque introduced its version of the meal at a SACRED HEART CHURCH festival in 1973. (1)

The popularity of the sandwich after the church festival led to their sale year-round.The combination had been served for years around the city as an easy post-holiday meal. Despite its local support, the chances of finding the delicious food outside the city limits are low.



1. Hogstrom, Erik, "Philly Has Its Own Sandwich...and So Does Dubuque," Telegraph Herald, November 10 2008, p. 81