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Encyclopedia Dubuque


"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN

Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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MONTANA HOUSE. Located on First Street between Main and Locust, the Montana House opened in the 1870s and welcomed guests for more than thirty-five years.

The 1874-1875 Dubuque City Directory stated that this business was located at 141 and 145 1st.

The 1875-1876 Dubuque City Directory placed the business at 135 1st.

In 1877 the Montana House, part of the Chadwick estate, and the corner to the west were not sold due to the offers being less than the owner thought was fair. Land to the east had sold for $52.50 per frontage foot. (1)

The 1878-79 Dubuque City Directory listed 135 to 145 First.

The 1880 through 1886-87 Dubuque City Directory listed 1st between Main and Locust.

The 1899-1900 Dubuque City Directory listed 145 1st.

Established in the same block, Schilling Hardware gradually expanded to include the former hotel. Schilling Hardware closed in the late 1990s.



1. "Chadwick Property" Dubuque Herald, December 21, 1877, p. 4. Online: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=uh8FjILnQOkC&dat=18771221&printsec=frontpage&hl=en

Day, Mike, "Ghosts of Businesses Past," Telegraph Herald, Nov. 25, 2010