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MOND, Eben

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January 2013. Photograph courtesy of Flick'r

MOND, Eben. (Dubuque, IA-- ). In 2001, Mond, a graduate of WAHLERT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL and a member of the Sundown Mountain junior race team, began pursuing a career as a professional skier while living in Colorado. He the entered events in Alaska, Argentina, British Columbia, Italy and Japan. Sponsorships were obtained from companies including Rossignol skis, Flylow clothing and Scarpa boots.

In March, 2013, Mond competed in the 16th Annual Grand Traverse, an extreme ski-mountaineering race, based on the mail routes of the 1880s over forty miles between Crested Butte and Aspen, Colorado. The team of Mond and his partner completed the race in just over eleven hours. This placed them in 18th place in the age group and 53rd overall among the 137 teams.




Ortman, Steve. "Dubuque Native Mond Pushes Himself to Limit," Telegraph Herald, Apr. 12, 2013, p. 1B

Eben Mond. http://www.scarpa.com/scarpa/products/RGNL_ATHLTS_SKI/p_ATH114