Encyclopedia Dubuque
"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN
Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.
GILBERT, Jane (Jane Kies). (Dubuque, IA, Aug. 28, 1909--Carroll, IA, July, 1985). The daughter of a Dubuque druggist and the sister of Margaret LINDSAY, Gilbert had roles in Invisible Stripes (1939), Alex in Wonderland (1940), and 'Till We Meet Again (1940). (1)
Gilbert was married to William Hopper, the son of famous Hedda Hopper. They later divorced. (2)
1. Jane Gilbert, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0318088/
2. Margaret Lindsay, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0512267/