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FLURY, Peter

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FLURY, Peter (Schiers, Switzerland--Schiers, Switzerland). The founder of FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in Dubuque, Flury founded a Christian Teacher's Seminary in his hometown when he was a pastor. Misunderstandings led to him resigning his pastorate and came to America America with his wife. He became involved in missionary work with NATIVE AMERICANS and then moved to Dubuque in 1847.

Flury opened the the First Presbyterian Church on a hill overlooking the later location of the Ninth Street engine house. He operated a day school for children and a night school for young men who learned English. Flury was a master of many languages including German, French Italian, and English. Flury also preached in Sherrill and Tete des Mortes.

When his wife died, Flury returned to Switzerland. He became the pastor of his former church and a leader in the seminary he had founded. He also founded a hospital.



1. "75th Anniversary of First Church," Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, December 24, 1922, p. 5