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FELTES, Dan. (Dubuque, IA-- ). Elected to the New Hampshire State Legislature in 2014, Feltes became the state's youngest majority leader by 2018. (1)

Feltes graduated from DUBUQUE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL and received his bachelor's degree from the University of Northern Iowa. He earned a master's degree in public policy at Georgetown University before returning to law school at the University of Iowa. (2) He moved to New Hampshire and worked nearly a decade for New Hampshire Legal Assistance until his first campaign for public office. (3) In 2013, Feltes received the NH Bar Foundation’s prestigious Robert E. Kirby award, which is presented to “New Hampshire attorneys 35 or younger who exhibit exceptional skill, civility, and professionalism.” (4)

In 2019 Feltes, then in his third term in the state Senate, announced his campaign for governor as a Democratic against Republican incumbent Chris Sununu. In 2019 Feltes sponsored seventeen bills vetoes by Sununu including several clean energy bills and a paid family medical leave. (5) For the 2019-2020 legislative session, he chaired the Ways and Means Committee, and was Vice Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resouces, Finance, and Rules and Enrolled Bills Committees. (6)



1. Fisher, Benjamin, "Dubuque Native Takes Root in New Hampshire," Telegraph Herald, September 8, 2019, p. 12A

2. Ibid.

3. "Putting Working Families First," Campaign information. Online: https://danfeltesnh.com/

4. "Our Senators," New Hampshire Senate, Online: https://www.nhsenatedemocrats.org/danfeltes

5. Ramer, Holly, "Democrat Dan Feltes Running for New Hampshire Governor," The Star, September 3, 2019, p. 1A

6. "Our Senators..."