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Family History: http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Family:Ira_Whitney_and_Elizabeth_Day_%281%29

Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

WHITNEY, Ira G. (Brooklyn, NY, Nov. 22, 1877--Dubuque, IA, June 11, 1944). Whitney served as a salesman for the STANDARD LUMBER COMPANY of Dubuque from 1898 until 1908. He left the city for work with the Ingram-Dau Lumber Company of Lyman, Massachusetts, in 1908 and remained there until 1912 when he returned to Dubuque. (1)

Whitney first served the A.Y.MCDONALD MANUFACTURING COMPANY as secretary in 1915. (2) He then was promoted to vice-president and served as president beginning in 1934.



1. "Ira G. Whitney," Citizens Historical Association of Indianapolis, February 17, 1940, Vertical Files, Carnegie-Stout Public Library.

2. "Dubuque Concern Now Incorporated," Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, August 11, 1915, p. 15