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Photo courtesy: Junior Achievement

WHITLOW, Marvin "Whit." (Wichita, KS, Sept. 27, 1920--Dubuque, IA, Nov. 27, 1987). Whitlow, president of the East Dubuque Savings Bank, served as president of the DUBUQUE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and chairman of the board of trustees of CLARKE COLLEGE from which he received an honorary doctorate of law degree in 1977.

In 1962 Whitlow family moved to Dubuque from El Dorado, Kansas, where he owned and operated a Venetian blind manufacturing company. He borrowed the money necessary to buy the East Dubuque Savings Bank and then expanded his holdings to purchase the Lanark (Illinois) Exchange Bank and the First National Bank of Byron, Illinois. The Whitlow family sold the East Dubuque Savings Bank, which had assets in 1992 of approximately $55.1 million, in 1993. (1)

In Dubuque, Whitlow was among the first to encourage CLARKE COLLEGE to make computer science a major and develop its business department.

One of Whitlow's closest friends was Buckminster Fuller, the renowned inventor. Whitlow was among only one hundred people invited to the funeral when Fuller died in 1983.

See:Kathryn E. WHITLOW



1. Bergstrom, Kathy, "Group to Buy ED Bank Company," Telegraph Herald, May 20, 1993 p. 2