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WATTERS, William G.

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WATTERS, William G. (Dubuque, IA, Jan. 1, 1839--Dubuque, IA, Mar. 21, 1921). Watters served as the county treasurer from January 1, 1882, to December 31, 1883. He also operated a LEAD smelter at ROCKDALE for forty years.

Watters was involved in the dry goods business as a member of the firm of COATES & WATTERS. He owned the DUBUQUE BRASS AND METAL COMPANY as a partnership with O. F. HODGE and was a director of the GERMAN BANK and SECOND NATIONAL BANK.



The Industries of Dubuque: Her Relations as a Trade Center, Dubuque: J. M. Elster and Company, Publishers, 1887, p. 71