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Walterlmain6 6.jpg

WALTER L. MAIN'S CIRCUS. Main's Circus pitched its tents in Dubuque on June 27, 1895. This was the first visit of this particular circus to Dubuque "or this part of the country." A street parade was held in the morning with newly painted wagons, cages and chariots. One of the cages "exhibited a happy family of a lion, bull dog and tiger."

The afternoon and evening performances included "equestrian feats and those on the trapeze were particular features." "Wallace, the riding lion" held only by a chain appeared in the ring on the back of a prancing horse. Other audience favorites included the Japanese trained horses and mules and Quirk and Zeno with their "marvelous leaps."

See: Walter L. Main Circus--http://www.circusesandsideshows.com/circuses/walterlmaincircus.html



"Main's Circus," The Dubuque Herald, June 28, 1895, p. 8