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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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Owner of United Cigar, Charles Bradley with his family in their 1912 Model T Ford Touring. c. 1912. Photo courtesy: Susan McKeever
Illustration by Norman Zepeski

UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY. The United Cigar Store of Dubuque opened in December 1913 in the former building occupied by the CITIZENS' STATE BANK (THE). (1) The parent company opened similar stores around the United States. (2) The business remained in business through the 1950s selling cigars, magazines, newspapers, and other necessities.

The 1915 through the 1957 Dubuque City Directory listed 801 Main as the address. The 1939 Dubuque City Directory carried the name United Cigar Whelan Stores Inc.

The 1959 and 1962 Dubuque City Directory listed 229 W. 8th Avenue.



"New Cigar Store is Opened," Telegraph Herald, December 18, 1913, p. 4