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6 Mile Ranch

TSCHIRGI, Arnold. (Dubuque, IA--Wyoming). Arnold, the son of Mathias TSCHIRGI, came to Sheridan, Wyoming in 1885.

Arnold was one of the founders of the Sheridan Brewing Company. He served in the city and county government as a civil engineer and also operated a grocery store. His son Chester, who was born in Dubuque in 1884, arrived in Sheridan with his mother by stagecoach in 1887. In 1903 he became the youngest engineer operating a locomotive on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad.

Arnold and his sons Chester and William established the original homestead property on dry land without irrigation. To obtain water rights, Chester set out to obtain water rights from the Tongue River. This resulted in extending an existing ditch system started in Dayton, Wyoming approximately seventeen miles. This was done with teams of horses and hand-held equipment. Six Mile Ranch was located in Sheridan County.



Centennial Ranch Yearbook-2015, "The Six Mile Ranch, Arnold B. and Loretta Tschirgi Family, Online: http://wyoshpo.state.wy.us/pdf/centennial%20ranch%20yearbook%202015.pdf, p. 66