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TRENKLE, Heinrich

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/83739023:60525?tid=&pid=&queryId=336dd065b6960c6a3fda91b5da3d413b&_phsrc=LFI1727&_phstart=successSource

Trenkle opened a meat market along 14th Street on April 16, 1894. He later established his sausage manufacturing business at 1227 Central. Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

TRENKLE, Heinrich. (Walkdirch, Baden, Germany, September 29, 1866--Dubuque, IA, May 23, 1948). After serving as a private in the German Army, Trenkle sailed for America and arrived on November 6, 1891. He moved directly to Dubuque where he found work in George Wiedmer's meat market on 19th and Jackson STREETS. From 1892 until 1894, Henry, as he called himself, learned all he could about the meat and sausage business by working in variety of jobs in Iowa and Wisconsin. On April 16, 1894, he opened his own meat market on 14th Street in Dubuque. He eventually had twenty employees; many continued to work for him for more than thirty years.

A box of Trenkle's meats was occasionally sent home with visiting relatives. Photo courtesy: Bob Reding

In 1895, Henry married Miss Katherine Gassman and the following year, the first of five children were born. His two sons, William and Henry, eventually took over the business.

In 1897, Trenkle bought property at 1227 Central Avenue and began to manufacture his own sausages and luncheon meats. The same year, he became a naturalized citizen. The business grew and thrived. Soon, he was supplying grocers as far away as Sioux City, Iowa and into Wisconsin and Illinois.

Between April, 1923 and October, 1924, Trenkles completely remodeled and added a huge revolving smoker, only one of four in the United States like it at the time. During a typically busy Saturday, Trenkle and his employees served from 1,400 to 1,800 customers. The company was incorporated as the H. TRENKLE COMPANY in 1928.

Trenkles finally closed after 76 years.



Barbara Holz Sullivan chapterandwurst.blogspot.com/2009/02/dubuque-trenkles-meat-market.html