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1948 advertisement
Peter Treanor inside his dairy.

TREANOR'S DAIRY. Peter and Anna (Hoffman) Treanor were the owners and operators of the Treanor Dairy at 928 Central Avenue. They had seven children (Carl [Duke], Opal, Meyrl, Versal [Curly], Dean, Donald (Mud) and Clifford) who all worked in the dairy as well. The family lived in the front and upstairs of the building. All of the equipment was located on the lower level.

Before he opened the dairy, Peter Treanor drove daily to the Galena area to get the supplies he needed and then drove back to Dubuque to deliver milk, butter, and other dairy products. For a delivery vehicle, he removed the back seat from a convertible Hudson car.

The Treanor Dairy pasturized milk and made it into cream, butter, buttermilk, and ice cream. During WORLD WAR II the company also made kerosine in a 2,000 gallon vat.

The business was opened around 1930 and was sold to Meadow Gold in 1956. In 2001 the building was the home of Barth Realty.

The 1937 Dubuque Consurvey Directory through the 1959 Dubuque City Directory listed 928 Central.

Donald Treanor standing on the original porch of the Treanor Dairy around 1942.
Treanor's Dairy at 928 Central
Treanor's Dairy delivery truck
Inside the dairy truck ready for delivery are jugs and ten gallon milk cans. The cans were delivered to Loras.
Equipment inside the dairy included a bottle machine and milk vat. The white machine at the back is a possible ice cream maker.
Donald Treanor inside the dairy near a milk vat with a table full of bottles to fill at his right.
Pat Treanor
Versal (Curly) Treanor inside the dairy. In 2010 he was the only living child of the original owners.
The current (2010) building which was Treanor's Dairy
Token. Photo courtesy: Bob Reding
Token. Photo courtesy: Bob Reding

Information and photographs provided by Donald Treanor Family, Versal Treanor and Dave Treanor.