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TORBERT, George L.

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/114637615:60525?tid=&pid=&queryId=31ce2dce9671cac07a23addcc8778e99&_phsrc=HEg13954&_phstart=successSource

TORBERT, George L. (Camden, NY, Jan. 3, 1831--Dubuque, IA, Apr. 3, 1895) Torbert came to Dubuque prior to the CIVIL WAR and served in the Union Army as a major of the 46th Regiment of Iowa Volunteers. Returning to Dubuque, he was appointed the postmaster by President Grant and served from 1873 to 1881. (1)

In the community, Torbert was involved in insurance, loans, and real estate. He later served as the president of IOWA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. (2) Torbert was also a stockholder and vice-president of the DUBUQUE LINSEED OIL COMPANY and a stockholder in the Dubuque Paint Works. (3) His philanthropic activities involved working for the HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS, FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE), and the library association. (4)




1. "Biographical Sketches," The Herald, December 20, 1885, p. 14

2. Ibid.

3. "G. L. Torbert Dead," Dubuque Daily Herald, April 4, 1895.

4. Ibid.