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THOMAS, Jerome "J.T." "Jerry"

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THOMAS, Jerome "J.T" "Jerry" (Alexander City, AL, July 31, 1951--Dubuque, IA Nov. 11, 2010). Thomas was one of the founders of Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church in Dubuque. He served as commissioner for the Status of African-Americans for the state of Iowa and vice-president of the local chapter of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE (N.A.A.C.P.). Thomas was also a board member of the Substance Abuse Services and was part of the Back on Track mentoring program though the Department of Correctional Services for young African-American men.

Thomas started the Stone Soul Men city league basketball team and played on a city league baseball team. He was employed thirty-five years at the JOHN DEERE DUBUQUE WORKS where he was a supervisor.