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From Encyclopedia Dubuque
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STRINSKY, Frank. (Bohemia, June 30, 1847-- ). Strinsky's parents came to the United States when he was ten years old. They settled in Dubuque in 1857.

In January, 1877 he entered into business with C. W. SCHREIBER in the firm of Schreiber & Strinsky, proprietors of the KEY CITY IRON WORKS on Eighth Street between Clay and Iowa STREETS.

In 1906 Strinsky was appointed foreman of the local water works plant. He had been an employee of the A.Y. MCDONALD & MORRISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. (1) In 1933 he was president of the Strangers' Relief of I. O. O. F. which was organized in 1864 to help members of the order but strangers to the city. (2)



1. "New Water Works Official," Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, December 29, 1906, p. 3

2. "Dubuque County Before 1880," Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, November 8, 1933, p. 14