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STOLTZ, Charles

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/147628464:60525?tid=&pid=&queryId=c358a5c4-be1c-4baf-93db-d1c7b486a2a6&_phsrc=fKS25108&_phstart=successSource

Photo source: Telegraph Herald

STOLTZ, Charles Edward. (Dubuque, IA, July 31, 1936--February 10, 2023. Charles, the youngest son of Edward and Bertha (Klingenberg) Stoltz, had three older brothers- Elmer, Donald, and Bert, all were WORLD WAR II veterans. He joined the US Marine Corps and spent two years working up the ranks to Tank Battalion.

After his service, Chuck earned a bachelor’s degree from the UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE and a master’s degree from the University of Iowa. He also attended Northwestern University’s Executive Development Program. In 1998 he was honored with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa from the University of Dubuque.

In the fall of 1982, as President and Chairman of the DUBUQUE PACKING COMPANY, Stoltz sold the Dubuque plant and its Fleur-de-lis trademark to a group led by Robert Henry WAHLERT. The packing plant then began operations as FDL FOODS INC. The Dubuque Packing Co. moved its headquarters to the DUBUQUE BUILDING. The company again flourished and was later sold in a leveraged buyout.

Chuck met his wife Jean Wahlert in 1964 and wed just a few months later. They were married for 45 years, until her passing in 2009. Charles and Jean lived primarily in the Dubuque area and later Arizona as well. They also had homes for several years in Omaha (NE), Galena (IL), Sedona (AZ), and East Dubuque (IL). Because the Pack did business with companies around the world, they were fortunate enough to visit many different places including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, England, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and for many years, they made regular trips to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. After their son moved with his family to Israel, they made biennial visits to see their grandchildren. Charles and Jean took the entire family on a trip to Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. He visited Germany and Italy with his daughter, Jennifer. Chuck and Jean traveled with their son Michael on their first trip to Israel and Egypt. He traveled to Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway with his son ,John.

Over the years, Charles served on many corporate, educational, and charitable boards in Dubuque and Omaha, Nebraska including AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, DUBUQUE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, BOY SCOUTS, DUBUQUE BOYS' CLUB, FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE), and the WAHLERT FOUNDATION. He served on the University of Dubuque board for 30 years and then was an emeritus member until the end of his life. He also served on the Business Advisory Councils both at Creighton and Marquette University and was a director of the Myers Group in Omaha, NE.

Charles was on the boards of the National Independent Meat Packers Association and the American Meat Institute where he sat on their Executive Committees. He was the Chairman of the Board of eight satellite companies that all did business with meat packers. He was recognized during his many years in business as a wise counselor and served as a consultant to Beef America and Superior Industries of Omaha, NE. He was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Omaha Country Club, Co-chairman of the Midwest Boy Scouts Drive Campaign, and a member of the Rotary Club in both Dubuque and Omaha.



1. Obituaries, Telegraph Herald, February 12, 2023, p. 11A