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STEVENS, Clark. (North Stratford, NH, Jan. 2, 1919--Dubuque, IA, Dec. 14, 2013) The son of Aaron and Flora (Hapgood) Stevens, Clark was church organist and piano accompanist through college at the University of Vermont, where he earned his medical degree. During WORLD WAR II, He served in the medical corps in Japan after his internship at Beverly Hospital in Beverly Massachusetts and before his residency in obstetrics and gynocology at George Washington University Hospital in Washington DC. He married Ingrid Hyllman on August 24, 1946.

In 1950 Stevens came to Dubuque and was one of the founders of MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC PC (THE). Here, he was a member of the American Medical Association, Iowa Medical Society, Dubuque County Medical Society, Iowa Obstetrics--Gynecology Society, and Central Association OB-Gyn. He was also Fellow of the American College of OB-Gyn, of the American Fertility Society, of the American College of Surgeons, and Diplomate of the American Board of OB-Gyn. In his 36-year career, he helped women to deliver more than 7000 babies at Finley, Mercy, and Xavier hospitals.

Stevens cultivated a love of music throughout his life. In 1957 he helped found what is now the DUBUQUE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and was the first President of the Symphony’s Board of Directors.



1. Obituaries, Telegraph Herald, December 17, 2013, p. 6C

2. Obitsforlife.com. Online: http://www.obitsforlife.com/obituary/819512/Stevens-Dr-Clark.php