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STEELE, Clement

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Photo courtesy: Dubuque Today

STEELE, Clement. (Waukon, IA, June 16, 1937--Dubuque, IA, June 9, 2023. Clem Steele, a member of the Wisconsin National Guard, was a pioneer in computer education in northeastern Iowa. He had been educated at Marquette University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Wyoming.

Clem moved to Dubuque with his wife Jane STEELE as an employee of the Area Education Agency in the 1960s. His assignment was computer education for both educators and students. Clem later served as a Professor of Education at Loras College in Dubuque before retiring in 2000. (1)

In 2013 Jane and Clem, coordinated Kidsight, a free-vision screening program offered by Lions clubs to detect early eye problems. Using three special cameras purchased through grants from the DUBUQUE RACING ASSOCIATION the program examined nearly 1,500 children ages 2-5 in 2012 with about 4% found to have eye problems. (2)



1. Obituaries Dubuque Today, June 17, 2023

2. Carton, Tony, "Keeping a Watchful Eye on Children's Vision," Telegraph Herald, April 8, 2013, p. 3