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SIRK, Arnold D.

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SIRK, Arnold D. (Chicago, IL, circa, 1923--Rancho Bernardo, CA, Jan. 17, 2005). Beginning in 1984, Sirk held controlling interest in the firm founded by his father-in-law. Watubo, standing for Water Tube Boiler and Tank Company, purchased Tank Tek, a division of MORRISON BROTHERS COMPANY in Dubuque. Sirk initially managed the TankTek part of the company until all operations were moved to Dubuque from Chicago. In 1991 Sirk retired from Watubo-Tec, the firm he had been associated with for 46 years including service as president and CEO. (1)

Locally, Sirk held membership on the board of directors for the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (Y.M.C.A.), FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE), TEMPLE BETH-EL, and the Service Corps of Retired Executives. He was also a fund-raising chairman for the UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE.

In 1988 Sirk was one of forty teaching tutors in Project Literacy U.S, or PLUS, a local illiteracy program operated by the Dubuque Area Literacy Council at the Northeast Iowa Technical Institute. He started in the program while vacationing in San Diego and continued the work locally. (2)



1. "People in Business," Telegraph-Herald, May 12, 1991, p 15

2. Kirsch, John, "Dubuquers Teach People to Read, Telegraph Herald, August 30, 1988, p. 14