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SINGSANK, Mark J. (Carroll, IA, Sept. 27, 1952--Dubuque, IA, Aug. 31, 2018). A graduate of LORAS COLLEGE and the University of Iowa Medical School, Dr. Singsank did his residency at Truman Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri and then came to Dubuque in 1985. (1) He was an Emergency Medicine physician at MERCY MEDICAL CENTER from 1985 to 2013.

During medical school, Dr. Singsank was awarded membership to the prestigious AOA medical honor society, an honor to students who show high academic standing, professionalism, a firm sense of ethics, commitment to community service and the promise of future success in medicine. He was a founding member of the American Association of Emergency Medicine, one of the nation’s largest academic medical associations. Dr. Singsank was the first board-certified Emergency Medicine physician practicing in Iowa and, after arriving in Dubuque, he formed the first fully board certified Emergency Medicine department in Iowa. (2)

In addition to his work at Mercy, Dr. Singsank served as a medical director and educator for various regional EMS services, including the Epworth Volunteer Fire Department. (3)



1. Kruse, John, "Singsank Dedicated Life to Enhancing Area EMS," Telegraph Herald, September 6, 2018, p. 1A

2. "Obituaries," THonline: http://www.telegraphherald.com/obituaries/article_3231386c-af60-55b6-b97b-f97f320fcb8b.html

3. Ibid.