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ROBISON, Stanley

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Photo courtesy: Baseball Reference

ROBISON, Stanley. (Dubuque, IA, March 30, 1854--Cleveland, OH, Mar. 25, 1911). Born Martin Stanford Robison, Stanley with his brother Frank, purchased the St. Louis Browns from Chris Von der Ahe in 1898. He owned the team, whose name was changed to the St. Louis Cardinals, until his death in 1911. He managed the club for part of the season in 1905.

The Robisons had also owned the Cleveland Spiders in the 1890s. Denied permission to sell the club to interests in Detroit or Toronto, the brothers began the transfer of players from Cleveland to St. Louis that led to the poor 1899 campaign in Cleveland.



"Stanley Robison," Baseball Reference, Online: https://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Stanley_Robison