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ROBERTS, David. (Utica, NY, 1813--1891). Roberts entered the pottery business in Utica in 1825. Under various names, the company was in business until 1830 when Roberts left Utica.

Roberts arrived in Iowa (Van Buren County) in 1843. In 1850 he traveled to Rock Island, married, and then moved to Galena, Illinois until 1855/56. In 1857 he established the first pottery in Colesburg, Delaware County. In 1863 he sold out to Elisha Jones and relocated to Dubuque County.

The 1870 census lists David Roberts as a potter with $6000.00 real estate value and $800.00 in personal value. The record also includes the only reference in Iowa to an African-American potter, Gary Wylis. Born in Virginia and an illiterate potter, Wylis was listed as living with David Roberts who was actively involved in the anti-slavery movement.

David Roberts remained in Dubuque County until 1872 when he moved to Fort Dodge. It is assumed he worked for one of the potteries there. He is listed in the 1880 census as, “Retired Potter”. He died in 1891. His son George was later appointed head of the United States Mint.



Dr. Darryl Mozena

Leo Landis, State Curator, State Historical Society of Iowa

"Made From Mud" program of the State Historical Society of Iowa