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Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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Carl Riley, advocate for senior health care. Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

RISE ADULT DAY CARE CENTER. One of the first adult day care centers in Iowa, RISE was started in 1977 through the efforts of Carl Riley, a Dubuque attorney. RISE stands for "Riley Interim Services for the Elderly." Riley had red about the first center in Waterloo and believed it would work in Dubuque.

The Center was established through Project Concern. Through referrals from doctors, nurses, and social workers, a cutoff membership was set at 30. The program was meant for moderately physically or mentally handicapped adults and was created to bridge the gap between independence and nursing home care. It eliminated the need for unnecessary institutionalization and provided family members from worry about some of the caring for elderly family members. The Centers $60,000 budget was paid with funding from state Eldercare, county revenue sharing, private donations, and clients pay some or all of a $14.00 daily fee.

Assistance for the clients was provided by one or two volunteers from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, also operated through Project Concern. Appeals were often made for citizens to come to the Center to play cards with the members.



Schwar, Kathy. "Something New RISES Every Day," Telegraph Herald, August 30, 1981, p. 8