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QUIGLEY, Joseph C.

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Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

QUIGLEY, Joseph C. (Dubuque, IA, Mar. 28, 1878-- Dubuque, IA, Jan. 22, 1952). Quigley, the son of Patrick J. Quigley joined the staff of the Telegraph Herald in 1896 and managed the paper from 1901 to 1917 during the time his father became publisher. He continued his service to the paper in various capacities becoming vice-president in 1920. (1) In 1931 he was a director of the Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal. (2) He was the vice-president by 1936

Quigley was active in the local music community. In 1901 Quigley joined a violin quartette formed by Edward J. SCHROEDER. (3) In 1904 he led efforts to bring Miss Ella Russell, a famed oratoria soprano, to Dubuque for a recital. (4)



1. "J. C. Quigley, Long Ill, Dies," Telegraph Herald, January 22, 1952, p. 1

2. "Miss Margaret Mallman and Joseph C. Quigley Are Married in Chicago," Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, August 6, 1931, p. 3

3. "A New Quartette," The Telegraph, April 14, 1901, p. 8

4. "To Bring Miss Russell Here," Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, December 4, 1904, p. 10