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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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Photo courtesy: Kenneth J. Arthofer

PACIFIC HOUSE. The 1859-1860 Dubuque City Directory listed the corner of Jones and Iowa. It was then called a boarding house.

The 1861 Dubuque City Directory listed Jones and Iowa.

The 1865 Dubuque City Directory listed "near the D. & S. C. R. R. Depot."

The 1868-69 Dubuque City Directory listed near the ICRR depot.

The 1874-1875 through 1890-91 Dubuque City Directory stated that this business was located at the corner of 1st and Iowa.

In August, 1890 Peter Callaghan announced that he was selling his interest in the business. He described the Pacific House as being centrally located between the three railroad depots in the city and having eighteen sleeping rooms with a good dining room and bar. (1)

In December, 1900 Archbishop John J. KEANE met with the mayor and council on an informal basis. He informed them that he hoped the officials did not condone vice. He had heard that they did by accepting "petty fines" and it this was true "his voice will certainly be heard against them." When informed that statistics showed Dubuque was one of the most moral cities in Iowa, he replied that if they could reduce vice to a minimum they could go further and exterminate it. He was pleased to hear that the Pacific House, a place of "iniquity," was closed. (2)



1. "Local News in Brief," Dubuque Daily Herald, August 17, 1890, p. 4

2. "Duty of Public Officials," The Dubuque Herald, Dec. 31, 1900, p. 7