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MULLEN, Richard D.

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/108395476/person/180181717782/facts?_phsrc=gtc2080&_phstart=successSource

MULLEN, Richard D. (Dubuque, IA, 1864--Apr. 15, 1933). A son of Michael and Ellen Mullen, Richard attended St. Patrick's Parochial School until twelve years of age. He then began learning the plumbing business with MORRISON BROTHERS COMPANY. After completing his apprenticeship, he continued with this firm four years and with its successor an additional three years.

In 1892 the firm of Mullen Brothers was organized with Richard and his four brothers. This continued unchanged until 1899 when John and Michael retired. The firm in 1911 furnished employment for about fifteen men and was one of the largest establishments of its kind in Dubuque.




"Irish in Iowa." Online: http://www.celticcousins.net/irishiniowa/irelandbios6.htm#mullen