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MCGRATH, Vernon V.

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MCGRATH, Vernon V. (Lattnerville, IA, Aug. 15, 1924--Dubuque, IA, Jan. 10, 2020). An employee of FARLEY AND LOETSCHER MANUFACTURING COMPANY and the DUBUQUE PACKING COMPANY, McGrath approached the Dubuque Park and Recreation Department in the 1980s about incorporating the sport of horseshoe pitching into its program. He was instrumental in the development of horseshoe courts in FLORA PARK and the subsequent participation of Dubuque in the annual State Horseshoe Pitching Tournaments. (1)

Among many victories in the sport of HORSESHOE PITCHING, McGrathwon the Eldora Indoor Horseshoe Pitching Tournament on January 10, 2004 in Class C with a perfect 5-0 record hitting 107 ringers out of 250 shoes. (2)



1. Obituaries. Online: https://dubuquetoday.com/obituaries/

2. Leitner, Jim, "Key West Plans to Return To Semi-Pro Baseball Circuit," Telegraph Herald, January 20, 2004, p. 11