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MANSON, Walter

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/22686914/person/162087569835/facts?_phsrc=cbC1467&_phstart=successSource

MANSON, WALTER. (Scotland, Sept. 28, 1808--Dubuque, IA, Mar. 28, 1879) At about the age of twenty-two, Manson settled in Canada. He then moved to Vermont, Ohio, and finally Dubuque County, Iowa. (1)

In 1840 Manson and John BELL became interested in milling. They were joined by James Pratt in 1842 with Pratt and Manson owning the largest share of the company. The firm of Pratt & Manson operated the mill for twenty-five years before they renamed the business the ROCKDALE MILL. (2) In 1854 Bell sold his interest to the other partners. (3)

Manson managed the business until 1868. He then sold the property and spent the remainder of his life building business blocks and residences and looking after his investments. (4)

Manson and his wife adopted T. C. Roberts after the death of his parents and sent him to school in Mt. Vernon, Iowa for two years and then Mt. Morris, Illinois. Roberts studied law and returned to Dubuque to practice and invested in local LEAD MINING operations. (5)



1. Goodspeed, Weston Arthur, History of Dubuque County, Iowa. Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association, 1911, p. 632

2. "Dissolution of Partnership," Dubuque Weekly Observer September 29, 1854, p. 3

3. "Rockdale," Daily Herald, July 30, 1876, p. 4

4. Goodspeed

5. "The Harvest of Death," Daily Herald, March 31, 1872, p. 4