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Photo courtesy: HomeOfHeroes.com

KEPHART, James. (Venango County, PA, Apr. 22, 1842--Gooding, ID, Apr. 27, 1932). Kephart enlisted in Company C, First Battalion, 13th U.S. Infantry on September 5, 1861, in Dubuque. On May 19, 1863, while serving as a private, he voluntarily and at the risk of his life under heavy enemy fire aided and assisted to the rear an officer who had been severely wounded and left on the field at the battle for Vicksburg, Mississippi. He was discharged from service on September 5, 1864, at Nashville, Tennessee. For his selfless action during the CIVIL WAR, he was awarded the MEDAL OF HONOR on May 13, 1899.

Kephart returned to live in Dubuque until 1877. He then moved to Farley, Iowa until 1884 and then to Webster City, Iowa until 1920. He worked as a merchant and traveling salesman.

He is buried in Cottage Hill Cemetery near Richardsville, Iowa.



Information provided by Richard G. Bridges