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KASEL, John Peter

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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/105208380:60525?tid=&pid=&queryId=9134b75e-d923-48b6-b3b0-088d42ff9efb&_phsrc=fKS27438&_phstart=successSource

Image courtesy: Karl J. Kasel

KASEL, John Peter. (Kehlen, Luxembourg Sept. 15, 1865--Dubuque, IA June, 17, 1930) Kasel, the father of Joseph P. KASEL, came to Dubuque at the age of nineteen, in 1884 on the Red Star liner, "S.S. Rynland," from Antwerp.

John was a master carpenter who worked for the FARLEY AND LOETSCHER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. He remained at the company forty-six years and lived to see his son hired by the firm and eventually serve as his foreman in the stair department.

He is buried with his family at Calgary cemetery near the St. Michael the Archangel shrine area.

Image courtesy: Karl J. Kasel
Image courtesy: Karl J. Kasel



Karl J. Kasel-email. June 3, 2014