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Encyclopedia Dubuque


"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN

Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


From Encyclopedia Dubuque
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IOWA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. The Iowa League of Cities serves as the unified voice of cities, providing advocacy, training and guidance to strengthen Iowa’s communities.

The Iowa League of Cities has been serving as a key resource for municipalities since 1898, when a small group of city officials gathered in Marshalltown to exchange ideas on how to strengthen and improve local government in Iowa. Those officials had a vision. They recognized that by joining together as one voice, all cities would benefit – then and in the future.

In 2013 more than 870 of the cities in Iowa, both large and small, are members. (1)

Dubuque joined this organization in 1907. (2)



1. Iowa League of Cities. Online: https://www.google.com/search?q=iowa+league+of++municipalities&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

2. Oldt, Franklin T. History of Dubuque County. http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/franklin-t-oldt/history-of-dubuque-county-iowa-being-a-general-survey-of-dubuque-county-histor-tdl/page-23-history-of-dubuque-county-iowa-being-a-general-survey-of-dubuque-county-histor-tdl.shtml