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Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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HUELSHOFF, Bernard H. (Lingen, Germany, May 10, 1845--Unknown). Huelshoff was educated in the German schools before he moved to Cincinnati and became a Latin teacher. In 1867 while visiting relatives in Dubuque, he was offered a position with the H. B. GLOVER COMPANY as a salesman. He stayed in that position for five years before taking a similar position with Thomson and Jones and then RIDER-WALLIS DRY GOODS COMPANY with which he worked thirty years.

The author of several articles for historical publications, Huelshoff was an honorary members of the German Veteran and German Song societies. He was also one of the founders and secretary of the German Concordia Association.



Goodspeed, Weston Arthur, History of Dubuque County, Iowa. Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association, 1911, p. 645