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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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HEALTHY DUBUQUE 2000. Strategic health-care plan to reduce the rates of preventable disease and injury by the year 2000. The plan was supported and funded by the Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. Coalition, DUBUQUE RACING ASSOCIATION, MERCY MEDICAL CENTER, FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE), the city of Dubuque, and the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors.

The program established goals and actions to guide the assessment, planning, and allocation of resources from 19995 to 2000 to increase the life span of residents in Dubuque County. To determine priority health areas, an independent telephone survey was conducted of 887 Dubuque County adults in 1994. The results were used to determine the current levels of health risk behaviors. Questions asked included general health; use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; exercise levels; and the use of preventive health care measures. Health care priority areas were established at a community town hall meeting in October 1994 at LORAS COLLEGE.

Seven task forces were formed to analyze data and set health goals. Members of the task forces included health care workers, health care consumers, human service personnel, and representatives of business and labor. Finalized goals for each priority area were distributed to the public during 1996. The priority areas included cancer, HIV/sexually transmitted diseases, mental health, maternal and infant health/family planning, alcohol and other drugs, heart disease and stroke, and physical fitness/nutrition.