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HAZLET, Kenneth

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HAZLET, Kenneth. (Freeport, IL- Dubuque, IA, Jan. 25, 1987). Hazlet served as director of the City Health Department from 1965 to 1975. He also served as a member of the Dubuque County Health Board (1967-1975 and 1978-1981). On this board he served as chairman from 1967 to 1973 and director from 1971 to 1975.

An active member of the health services community in Dubuque, Dr. Hazlet held the office of president of the Dubuque County Medical Society in 1959, president of the Mississippi Valley Heart Council in 1963, and was chairman of the Dubuque County Heart Council. Named to the staff of the FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE), Mercy Hospital in 1942, and XAVIER HOSPITAL in 1948, Hazlet was chosen staff president of Finley in 1946. He was a charter member of the Flying Physicians Association.