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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN

Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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HARVEY, John R. (New Orleans, LA, Sept. 4, 1812--Unknown) In early boyhood Harvey's parents died; he went to New Haven, Connecticut to school. Later he moved to Philadelphia, where he learned his trade of painting. Arriving in Dubuque sometime later, his first contract was painting for Henry L. STOUT and his next was painting the court house.

Harvey was prominently associated with the Order of the I.O.O.F., since 1834. He passed all the chairs in 1836 and was representative to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1837. He was one of the oldest Past Grands in Iowa, if not in the country. In 1877 Harvey recalled the full and complete history of the organization of Harmony Lodge, No. 2 , the first lodge organized in Dubuque.

Harvey was clerk of the first election held in Delaware County.

The 1875-1876 Dubuque City Directory gave the address as 37 8th.

The 1878-79 Dubuque City Directory listed 31 8th.

The 1884-1885 Dubuque City Directory listed 83 Locust as the address.

The 1886-87 Dubuque City Directory listed 823 Locust.



Oldt, Franklin. The History of Dubuque County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1880. p. 802