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FOLEY, Dorance (Monsignor)

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FOLEY, Dorance (Monsignor) (Ryan, IA, Apr. 6, 1900--Dubuque, IA, Oct. 12, 1988). In 1984 Daniel KUCERA made as his first act as the new archbishop of Dubuque the presentation of his letters of appointment to the Rev. Dorance Foley, the senior priest in the archdiocese. Rev. Foley later presented the new archbishop with a cross and holy water at the start of the installation ceremony. (1) Foley served as president of LORAS COLLEGE from 1956 until 1966 when he returned to St. Patrick's Parish as pastor. He served at St. Patrick's unti1 1971 when he was named special assistant to the president of Loras and acted as advisor, consultant and public relations specialist.

Msgr. Foley's first parochial assignment was as assistant pastor at NATIVITY CHURCH where he served until 1927. He became the chancellor and vicar general at the Dubuque Chancery until 1952 and served as the chaplain at Mercy Hospital until 1931 and to the Presentation Sisters until 1952. In 1952 Msgr. Foley was named pastor of ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH where he served until becoming president of Loras.

Under Foley's leadership, Loras experienced a period of unprecedented growth. During his ten years as president, Msgr. Foley directed the construction of two residence halls, St. Joseph's Hall of Science, Wahlert Memorial Library, a seismograph station and planetarium. A swimming pool was under construction when he left. (2)



1. Kraske, Steve, Accolades Abound as NR Iowa Greets Kucera," Telegraph Herald, February 23, 1984, p. 13

2. Stanley, Mary, "Loras History Winds Through 150 Years," Telegraph Herald, September 10, 1989, p. 28
