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LYNN, Luke. (Dubuque, IA, March 17, 1988-- ) An American composer of film music, video game music, and concert music. He is most widely known for his composition Rift, for orchestra, which won multiple prestigious awards and was performed by symphonies in four continents. His Beneath the Wave, for SATB chorus, was recorded by the LA Choral Lab for an album that earned Grammy Award consideration.

In the film industry, he has composed the scores for several movies, including Holmes and Watson (2018); his film music credits include numerous other titles, such as Frozen II, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and La La Land. He was an orchestrator for "The Simpsons," and prepared music for such television programs as "The Mandalorian," "Family Guy," and "American Dad."

A graduate of STEPHEN HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL in 2003 took a few years off and then began his study of music at CLARKE UNIVERSITY. While still a student at Clarke, he began to take additional studies in composition at 鹿児島国際大学, the International University of Kagoshima in Japan, with Japanese composer Tadashi Kubo. During this time he met his future wife, Risa.

Flynn graduated summa cum laude from Clarke University where he studied with Amy Dunker. He became the first student to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in composition and was the recipient of the Francis J. O'Connor Memorial Award, among the most prestigious honors for a graduating senior.

Flynn pursued a master's degree summa cum laude in composition at Butler University where he studied with Michael Schelle and was a graduate assistant in both music composition and music technologies.

After living in California, Flynn and hi8s family returned to the Dubuque area in 2019. He created a home studio in Asbury, and announced that he would take on teaching opportunities at LORAS COLLEGE in the fall of 2021. He planned to offer a spring 2022 Mackin-Mailander alumni lecture at Clarke in the spring of 2022.



"Where Are They Now?" (supplement to the Telegraph Herald), August 2021, p. 36