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Photo courtesy: Telegraph Herald

FLUCKIGER, Frank A. (Dubuque, IA, Sept. 19, 1902--Dubuque, IA, Mar. 14, 1990). A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Fluckiger headed an automobile agency in Clinton for one year and another in Davenport for four years before joining his father in business in 1933. A West Point graduate, he joined the National Guard after WORLD WAR I. (1) He owned and operated FLUCKIGER MOTOR COMPANY until his retirement in 1953. (2)

Fluckiger served as a director of FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUBUQUE, president of the board of the DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, member of the Dubuque Recreation Commission from 1948 to 1960, and board member of the DUBUQUE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB and FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE). (3)



1. "Fluckiger Motor Company," Telegraph-Herald, June 17, 1951, p. 8

2. Obituary, Telegraph Herald, March 15, 1990, p. 4