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FLOODPLAIN MAPS. Prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, floodplain maps highlight the most flood-prone areas and identify special flood hazard areas. Designated areas have a 1% or greater chance of flooding in a given year.

Structures constructed in flood plans must be insured if a federally backed mortgage is in place. In Dubuque, the maps were used to help guide development. In September, 2018 city officials filed new maps they had just received. This was the first major update of the flood insurance rate maps since 2011. Before the maps are adopted, FEMA would schedule a public comment period.

Current flood insurance rate maps showed 236 structures in the 100-year floodplain. An estimated 49 structures mostly near the north fork of CATFISH CREEK would be removed. Five structures would be added including Hoot Owl Campground off Middle Road and one duplex on West 32nd.

Residents of Dubuque could view the 2011 map by visiting msc.FEMA.gov on the Internet. The website included a search-by-address allowing users to check whether their homes were located in a 100-year floodplain.



Jacobson, Ben. "FEMA Updating Floodplain Maps," Telegraph Herald, December 23, 2018, p. 19A