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FALEY, J. Michael

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FALEY, J. Michael. (Placid, IA, 1938-- ). The CEO of IWI Motor Parts, Faley was inducted into the 2014 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT BUSINESS HALL OF FAME.

Faley served on the board of directors of AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. Mr. and Mrs. Faley were responsible for establishing "Reflections in the Park", Dubuque's annual holiday lights festival at Murphy Park in 1995. For 26 years this event has raised substantial funds to enable the operation of vital programs and become a holiday tradition for the entire Tri-State area. In 2021 the event was viewed by 66,000 people, the largest number in Reflections history. This event would not be possible without the year-round dedication of many volunteers.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Zy5fSRtFI