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ENZLER, Joseph Anton

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ENZLER, Joseph Anton (Dubuque, IA, Mar. 11, 1870--Dubuque, IA, Mar. 15, 1939). A son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Enzler, Joseph Enzler at the time of his death operated the oldest retail establishment on Main Street where it had been located on the 500 block since opening in 1889. Two of his sons, Joseph A. Jr. in Cedar Rapids, and Walter in Waterloo, once involved with their father in the business in Dubuque, operated similar stores. (1)

Enzler's father for many years was a member of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican in Rome. Joseph A. Enzler was a member of the Nativity Parish and the Holy Name Society of that parish. He was a member of the Dubuque Council, Knights of Columbus, the Fourth Degree Assembly of that organization, and La Salle Court, Catholic Order of Foresters. In 1931 he was elected first vice president of the Catholic Laymen's Retreat held annually at COLUMBIA COLLEGE. (2) Enzler was also a member of the Dubuque Lodge of Elks, DUBUQUE TRAVELING AND BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, and the Travelers' Protective Association in which he served as an officer for many years. He was a member of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce and in 1934 headed the retail bureau of the organization. (3) He participated actively in local bowling circles.

Upon his death, the business was carried on by his son Clarence J. ENZLER. Jerry ENZLER, a leader of historic preservation and civic development of Dubuque through his role in the DUBUQUE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY was Joseph A. Enzler's grandson.



1. "Joseph A. Enzler, Luggage Shop Owner, Passes at 69," Telegraph-Herald, March 15, 1939, p. 1

2. "Laymen's Retreat Closed Sunday at Columbia College," Telegraph-Herald, June 13, 1932, p, 6

3. "Annual Wholesaler, Jobber Meet Date Is Announced at C.C." Telegraph-Herald, February 4, 1934, p. 6