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DUBUQUE FEDERATION OF PROTESTANT CHURCH WOMEN. Although organized on March 14, 1929, the organization was preceded by a series of meetings of the women of Protestant churches in Dubuque. The first of these gatherings was held in the fall of 1922. The Missionary Society of WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH invited women from the city's other churches to a missionary service. During this meeting, the idea of forming a federation was suggested. Westminster again hosted the group in the spring of 1923 at a meeting observing the World Day of Prayer.

The women of First Congregational Church (later FIRST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) were hostesses at a luncheon following a fellowship program in the fall of 1927. Again the idea of forming a federation was raised.

The women of ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH hosted an observance of the World Day of Prayer in 1928. A committee of three in charge of the service presented the constitution of local federations suggested by the national organization.

Westminster invited Protestant organizations to join them in a program and pageant on February 15, 1929, the World Day of Prayer for that year. A month later the federation long discussed was formed with eleven organizations as charter members. The goals of the organization were deepening the spiritual life and promoting the establishment of the "Lord's kingdom" in the community through prayer and fellowship; quickening of the community consciousness; and cooperating in meeting the opportunities and needs which confront the world. A committee held a preliminary meeting on March 26, 1929 to draft a constitution which was adopted on May 14, 1929.

The federation functioned through committees for law enforcement, promotion of peace and Christian citizenship, securing better films and clean literature, welfare and juvenile court work; and missionary activities at home and abroad.



"Federation Helps Common Purpose," Telegraph-Herald, August 24, 1930, p. 22