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Dubuque Chess Club. On January 5, 1858, an announcement in The Dubuque Daily Times read: Chess Club Officers Named. A Chess Club has been organized in this city with about thirty members. The following are the officers: Louis PAULSEN, president; H.A. Littleton, vice president; F.W. Chislett, treasurer; and W.E. Edwards, secretary. (1)

Most of the news about the Dubuque Chess Club in its early days concerned stories of Louis Paulsen. Mr. Orestes Augustus BROWNSON of ROCKDALE was the editor of the DUBUQUE CHESS JOURNAL, a widely respected publication.

An interesting story of the club concerns a Mr. Lenz who played a German opponent by mail in the 1930s. A move was written on a postcard and sent to the opponent. A corresponding move was then sent on another card. A game could take years. When WORLD WAR II began, all communication from the German play ended until 1946 when Lenz received another card and move--without mention of the war. (2)

Chess history faded after the 1800s. It was not until 1972 that the Dubuque Chess Club became official. Jim Nigg and John Leitel affiliated the club with the United States Chess Federation. The club met at different locations until the CARNEGIE-STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY offered the organization the use of its facilities for meetings. Weekly meetings included playing games, question-and-answer periods, and teaching techniques to new players. (3)



1. "Chess Club Officers Named," The Dubuque Daily Times, January 5, 1858

2. Pieters, Jeff. "Knight Owls," Telegraph Herald, January 28, 2001, p. 52

3. Ibid.